European Wargames Calendar
Below are listed the wargames shows, conventions and events planned for continental Europe for 2025
If you know of any events that should be added to this calendar then please let us know via the contacts page.
Competition events are in italics
Cancelled for 2025 Neujahrs Turnier Bolt Action Neu Kaliß, Germany
10th - 12th January Szenario Hackenheim, Germany
11th January Bolt Action Warszawa Warsaw, Poland
11th - 12th January Festival des Jeux Villefranche sur Saône, France
12th January Les 6ème Joutes Abraysienne DBA Orleans, France
17th - 19th January Akra Leuka V ADLG Tournoi Alicante, Spain
18th January Grand Chevauchée I - Saga Amersfoort, Netherlands
18th - 19th January Nordic Tabletop Showdown Aalborg, Denmark
19th January Torneio Mjolnir - Saga Lisbon, Portugal
19th January Ca Barde a Tours 3 - Saga Tours, France
xxx January Bolt Action Turnaus Pori, Finland
19th January Torneo Historical Bolt Action Formato Bologna, Italy
24th - 26th January Swabian Open DBMM Ludwigsburg, Germany
25th January Mars Attack Bolt Action Tournoi Petit-Mars, France
25th January Tournoi Bolt Action Toulouse Auzielle, France
25th January Wieliczkowe rozgrywki Bolt Action Tournament Wieliczka, Poland
25th January Styczniowe Przebudzenie FoW Tournament Warsaw. Poland
25th - 26th January Rencontre Team Yankee Toulouse Auzielle, France
25th - 26th January Tournoi NPOW Les Nerviens Templemars, France
25th - 26th January MeG IWC 2025 Brussels, Belgium
26th January History Game Fair Meaux, France
26th January Keipencon Munster, Germany
1st February FoW Italian National Tournament Cornaredo, Italy
1st February Tournoi Club Achille ADLG Lyon, France
1st February Baren Saga Tournament Berlin, Germany
1st - 2nd February 1er Tournoi du Camp de Bataille - Saga Villeneuve Les Avignon, France
1st - 2nd February Bastons a l'Ouest - Saga Telgruc Sur Mer, France
7th - 9th February Osterskov FoW Tournament Hobro, Denmark
8th February Torneio Pedroso ADLG Lisbon, Portugal
8th - 9th February Italian Campionato ADLG Rnd 1 Padua, Italy
xxx February Zimowy Odlot: Blitzkrieg Turniej Blood Red Skies Warsaw, Poland
9th February Depart en Croisade - Saga Team Tournament Vert-Saint-Denis, France
15th Feburary Winter War Bolt Action Tournament Copenhagen, Denmark
15th February 1. Ratisbona Raid Saga Tournament Neutraubling, Germany
15th - 16th February Tournoi thématique ADLG Athens, Greece
22nd February Torneo Ajalvir Bolt Action Madrid, Spain
22nd - 23rd February Operation Nordic Lion Team Yankee Tourney Parola, Finland
22nd - 23rd February Hamburger Tactica Hamburg, Germany
22nd - 23rd February Tournoi de Montereau ADLG Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
xxx March Tournament Estalia Cordoba Cordoba, Spain
xxx March V Tournoi Pampelune Pamplona, Spain
1st - 2nd March MidtConGT Viborg, Denmark 1st - 2nd March 14e Offensive d'hiver Strasbourg, France
8th March Torneio Atoleiros ADLG Lisbon, Portugal
8th - 9th March Athens MeG Tournament Athens, Greece
8th - 9th March Bremer Spiele-Tage Bremen, Germany
9th March Operation Golden Spur FoW Kortrijk, Belgium
9th March Asgard 3eme Edition - Saga Saint Pierre Du Perray, France
xxx March Ulm DBA Tournament Ulm, Germany
14th - 16th March Talvisota Winter War Helsinki, Finland
14th - 16th March FoW Finnish Nationals Helsinki, Finland (at Talvisota)
15th March Torneo Wintercon Reggio Emilia Bolt Action Reggio Emilia, Italy
xxx March 1945 die Kämpfe im Reich Bolt Action Neu Kaliß, Germany
xxx March Wiosenna Łódź FoW Tournament Łódź, Poland
xxx March Avellino 15mm ADLG v4 Open Tournament Castello del Lago, Italy
xxx March The Crusade Bolt Action Tournament Bruges, Belgium
xxx March Cry Havoc Dachau, Germany
xxx March A Bavarian Day in Normandy Bolt Action Breitbrunn am Ammersee, Germany
15th - 16th March Tournoi Germanicus MeG Chaniers, France
16th March Les Ages Sombres de L'Alliance - Saga Lallaing, France
xxx March Italian Campionato ADLG Rnd 2 Udine, Italy
22nd March Austrian Salute St.Georgen/Eching, Austria
22nd - 23rd March Bolt Action Danish Nationals Odense, Denmark
22nd - 23rd March Journées Figurines et Jeux Sartrouville, France
22nd - 23rd March 8eme Jours de Baffes - Saga Laval, France
22nd - 23rd March Tournoi Normand ADLG Montivilliers, France
xxx March Wings of Lucca European Masters Rnd 1 Lucca, Italy
29th - 30th March Tournoi des Leopards d'Aquitaine Team Yankee Floirac, France
29th March Torneo Saga Melee Lisbon, Portugal
29th - 30th March Bolt Action Swedish Nationals Stockholm, Sweden
29th - 30th March Les murmures de Morrigane IV ADLG Sancergues, France
29th - 30th March Tournoi de Villefontaine ADLG Villefontaine, France
29th - 30th March Braubach ADLG German Open Braubach, Germany
30th March Felger Games Fougères, France
xxx April 3° Memorial Giuseppe Masterbrain Vit ADLG Cassacco, Italy
xxx April Tankfest FoW Tournament Hurup, Denmark
4th - 6th April Play Modena Modena, Italy
4th - 6th April Faites du Jeu Soucieu, France
5th - 6th April Bassano del Grappa Campionato ADLG Bassano del Grappa, Italy
5th - 6th April Rencontre Tercios Toulouse Auzielle, France
11th - 13th April Stoertebeker Cup DBMM Baltrum, Germany
12th - 13th April Red Lion Gaming Convention Braunschweig, Germany
12th - 13th April Convention Bolt Action France Chappes, France
xxx April Wargaming Weekend 1944 Eisenach, Germany
xxx April Fira de Rol d’Arreu de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain
xxx April Erillissota Bolt Action Turnaus Helsinki, Finland
xxx April V Ludus Bellum ADLG Montmelo, Spain
xxx April Hellana Games Agliana, Italy
xxx April Tournoi Coeur De Lihons DBA Lihons, France
xxx April Wings of Prague European Masters Rnd 2 Prague, Czechia
26th April 2. Ratisbona Raid Saga Tournament Barbing, Germany
26th - 27th April FoW German Nationals Heiligenhaus, Germany
xxxApril Asturias in Flames FoW Torneo Gijon, Spain
27th April 20th Conflict a Saga Tournament Aarschot, Belgium
xxx April DBMM International Team Challenge Milan, Italy
xxxApril Tournoi Medieval de Dury 28mm DBA Dury, France
xxx April 38th Apres-midi DBA de la Horde d'Or Asnieres Sur Seine, France
xxx April Torneo Aces Cordoba FoW Cordoba, Spain
xxx April Torneo SAGA Atalaya Zaragoza, Spain
Competition events are in italics
3rd - 4th May La Triplette d'Auzielle ADLG Auzielle, France
xxx May Limburg FoW Tournament Diepenbeek, Belgium
xxx May Gaming Day of the Tabletop Knights Marktl, Germany
xxx May Tournoi du Hainaut ADLG Sambreville, France
xxx May V° tournoi de printemps d'Eysines Eysines, France
10th May Thrones of Britannia 2 - Saga Pleuven, France
10th - 11th May Bolt Action Sealand Open Copenhagen, Denmark
xxx May Italian Campionato ADLG Rnd 4 Faenza, Italy
xxx May La Convention des Carcaiens Limetz Villez, France
16th May Clash of Steel Gentlemen's Night Diepenbeek, Belgium
16th - 18th May San Marino Game Convention San Marino
17th May 3. Odenwald FoW Team-Turnier Heidersbach, Germany
17th - 18th May Flanders FoW GT Diepenbeek, Belgium
17th - 18th May Tournois MeG Maximus Bornel, France
18th May Firestorm Overlord Jour Jeux FoW Tournoi Satolas et Bonce, France
xxx May Poldercon Utrecht, Netherlands
25th May Tournoi Open Orleans DBA Saint Jean De Braye, France
xxx May FoG Tournament Mayen Mayen, Germany
xxx May Grande Convention de Figurines St Doulchard, France
xxx May Team Yankee European World Series Cornaredo, Italy
xxx May I Tournoi International Hispalis ADLG Seville, Spain
30th May - 1st June Looters' Challenge DBMM Tournament Altena, Germany
31st May Nec Spe Nec Metu IV - Saga St.Georgen/Eching, Austria
31st May Turnier des Comitatus - Saga Leobendorf, Austria
31st May - 1st June Northern Crusade ADLG Tournament Helsinki, Finland
31st May - 1st June Concours Lugdunum Lyon, France
xxx June La dame du Lac FoW Tournament Morges, Switzerland
7th - 8th June Levée en Masse Paris, France
xxx June Tournoi des Nerviens ADLG Templemars, France
xxx June Battle of the Plains Bolt Action Tournament Herning, Denmark 7th June Torneio Ourique ADLG Lisbon, Portugal
7th June Tournoi Bolt Action Strasbourg 4 Lingolsheim, France
7th - 8th June Jutland Open Bolt Action Hærvejshallen, Denmark
14th - 15th June Tournoi Montjoie ADLG Anglet, France
xxx June Strategic Land XV Barcelona, Spain
xxx June Tournoi de Brenthonne ADLG Brenthonne, France
16th June Dreispitztag Ulm, Germany
xxx June IWC 2024 Rome, Italy
xxx June ADLG World Championships 2024 Rome, Italy (At IWC)
xxx June Wings of Rome European Masters Rnd 3 Rome, Italy (At IWC)
xxx June Provinz in Flammen FoW Hannover, Germany
xxx June 3e Convention Bolt-Action Carentan, France
xxx June Championnat de France Bolt Action Carentan, France
xxx June Le Trophee Des Voltigeurs DBA Dury, France
xxx July Rencontres de le Long du Rhin Strasbourg. France
5th July Bolt in Vesontio Bolt Action Tournoi Besancon, France
18th - 20th July 4. Franconian Open DBMM Herzogenaurach, Germany
25th - 27th July FoW European Team Championships 2025 Leobendorf, Austria
xxx July Intervention Days Dachau, Germany
10th August Encontro Saga Lisbon, Portugal
xxx August Aarhus Open Bolt Action Tournament Aarhus, Denmark
30th - 31st August Lusitania Team Challenge ADLG Lisbon, Portugal
xxx August Tournoi Chez Ouam Villecresnes ADLG Villecresnes, France
Competition events are in italics
6th - 7th September Brussels Liberation MeG Tournament Brussels, Belgium
20th September Bolt Action Invader Tournament Rødovre, Denmark
20th - 21st September Strategika ADLG Tournoi Auzielle, France
xxx September ADLG Wochenende Dachau, Germany
Cancelled for 2025 Dioramica Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
xxx October Tournoi des Chtis Vendin le Vieil, France
xxx October Dutch Oldhammer Convention Utrecht, Netherlands
xxx October Late Fall Wargames Convention Leobendorf, Austria
xxx October Fall Weiss Order of Battle Bolt Action Turnament Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
18th - 19th October 5° Paris Invictus MeG Tournament Paris, France
xxx October Torneo Badajoz FoW Badajoz, Spain
31st October - 2nd November Novembertristesse DBMM Tournament Nidderau, Germany
2nd November Encontro Saga Lisbon, Portugal xxx November Coupe de France Bolt Action 2024 Aulnay Sous Bois, Francee
xxx November Tournoi ADLG Nancy Nancy, France
xxx November Operation Flashpoint Bolt Action Tournament Telgte, Germany
8th - 9th November FoW Belgian Nationals Bastogne, Belgium xxx November ADLG German Team Championships Braubach, Germany
15th November Late Fall Convention Eching/St.Georgen, Austria
xxx November 4th Athens Reckoning MeG Tournament Athens, Greece
xxx November Tournoi de Ballainvilliers Ballainvilliers, France
23rd November Milano Wargames Milan, Italy
29th - 30th November Bring your Guns Bolt Action Tournament Odense, Denmark
6th December Torneio Salado ADLG Lisbon, Portugal