The Americas Wargames Calendar
Below are listed the wargames shows, conventions and events planned for the US, Canada & South America for 2025
If you know of any events that should be added to this calendar then please let us know via the contacts page.
Competition events are in italics
xxx January Walt's Winter Wrassle Covington, LA
4th January Fuego del Pacífico Bolt Action Tournament Santiago, Chile
4th - 5th January Tundracon Oshkosh, WI
9th - 12th January Midwinter Gaming Convention​ Pewaukee, WI
11th January Spartacon Dewitt, MI
11th January WWIII Team Yankee Tournament ​ San Antonio, TX
11th January Team Yankee: Bloody New Year Elizabethtown, KY
11th January Steel City Wargaming Bolt Action Tournament Pittsburgh, PA
16th - 19th January Las Vegas Open Las Vegas, NV
17th - 18th January MuseumFest ​ Eastpointe, MI
17th - 19th January ConQuest Ventura ​ Ventura, CA
17th - 19th January Siege of Augusta Augusta, GA
18th - 19th January Forces of Freedom Warbirds & BA Tournaments Southgate, MI
xxx January Shifting Sands FoW Tournament Maricopa, AZ
18th - 19th January Flames of War West Coast Nationals Alameda, CA
24th - 26th January Winter War Champaign, IL
25th January Open Fire! FoW Tournament Mahwah, NY
25th January Army Game Day Fort Belvoir, VA
31st January - 2nd February Chicago ADLG Tournament Chicago, IL
xxx February Adepticon Combat Patrol Primer Ypsilanti. MI
xxx February Operation Sweetheart Bolt Action Tournament Sacramento. CA
1st February Top Dog 8 FoW Tournament Augusta, GA
1st February Flintcon Flint, MI
1st February NOVAG Games Day Centreville, VA
7th - 9th February Skirmish Jacksonville, FL
xxx February New Jersey Games Day Manchester, NJ
14th - 16th February Battle at the Crossroads Cambridge, OH
14th - 16th February Polar Vortex Lisle, IL
14th - 16th February Williamsburg Muster Williamburg, VA
14th - 16th February Radcon Pasco, WA
14th - 16th February Con of the North Plymouth, MN
14th - 17th February Dundracon Santa Clara, CA
14th - 17th February Orccon Los Angeles, CA
14th - 17th February Siege of Vicksburg Vicksburg, MS
15th February Cold Barrage Havre de Grace, MD
15th February Slidell Snowbird Open ADLG Tournament Slidell, LA
17th - 23rd February Prezcon Charlottesville, VA
20th - 23rd February Ghengiscon Aurora, CO
20th - 23rd February Totalcon Marlborough, MA
21st - 23rd February Atlanta Military Figure Society Show Atlanta, GA
22nd February Fowlcon FoW Tournament Houston, TX
23rd - 27th February Gama Expo​ Louisville, KY
xxx February Drumbeat Tacoma, WA
xxx February Counter Attack at Dawn Bolt Action Tourney Oshawa, ON, Canada
xxx February Winter Offensive Bolt Action Tournament Nanuet, NY
27th February - 2nd March Cold Wars Gettysburg, PA
28th February - 2nd March Cincycon Hamilton, OH
xxx February Cold Iron VIII FoG Tournament Fultondale, AL
7th - 9th March Coastcon Biloxi, MS
14th - 16th March Bashcon Toledo, OH
15th March Battlefields​ Livonia, MI
15th March Biblical 15mm ADLG Tournament Augusta, GA
16th March Midwest Toy Soldier Show Lafayette, IN
xxx March Flames of War Midwest Nationals Schaumburg, IL (At Adepticon)
20th - 23rd March Gamestorm Portland, OR
21st - 23rd March Coscon​ Butler, PA
xxx March Simcon Rochester, NY
21st - 23rd March Hot Lead Stratford, ON, Canada
xxx March FUBAR III Bolt Action Tournament Quebec, QC, Canada
xxx March Lead from the Front Bolt Action Tournament Cary, NC
26th - 30th March Adepticon Schaumburg, IL
xxx March Scrum Con Washington, DC
29th - 30th March March to Victory Independence, MO
xxx March Baton Rouge Rise of Rome ADLG Tournament Baton Rouge, LA
3rd - 5th April Annual Seven Year War Association Con. South Bend, IN
4th - 6th April Havoc Marlborough, MA
5th April Advance! ​ San Diego, CA
xxx April The Brawl in the Hall Bolt Action Tournament Kingston, ON, Canada
11th - 12th April Daycon Kettering. OH
12th April Spring Offensive Olympia, WA
11th - 13th April Trumpeter Salute Burnaby, BC, Canada
xxx April KozCon Monroeville, NJ
11th - 13th April Mayhem Lebanon, NH
xxx April Gajograd Ablaze Bolt Action Tournament Sandy, UT
20th - 21st April Brewer-Sailors ADLG Open Tournament Birmingham, AL
xxx April Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show Gettysburg, PA
24th - 27th April Little Wars Naperville, IL
24th - 27th April Recon Kissimmee, FL
25th - 26th April The Spring Offensive Burlington, NC
25th - 27th April Cheyenne Gaming Convention Cheyenne, WY
25th - 27th April Ozcon West Plains, MO
26th April Conflict Camano Island, WA
26th - 27th April Sand Wars Mesa, AZ
26th - 27th April Southern Team Yankee Nationals Elizabethtown, KY
Competition events are in italics
1st - 4th May Midwest GameFest Kansas City, MO
2nd - 4th May Richmond Open Con Doswell, VA
xxx May Drums at the Rapids Perrysburg, OH
16th - 18th May Huzzah South Portland, MA
16th - 18th May CanGames Ottowa, ON, Canada
xxx May LeeCon ADLG Tournament Howell Township, NJ
xxx May Ohio Toy Soldier Show Wadsworth, OH
xxx May Battle for Bismarck Bolt Action Tourney Bismarck, ND
xxx May Canadian Team Yankee Nationals Calgary, AB, Canada
23rd - 25th May Midwest Conquest Independence, MO
xxx May Canadian Tabletop Championships Ottowa, ON, Canada
23rd - 25th May Enfilade Tacoma, WA
23rd - 25th May PrairieCon Brandon, MB, Canada
23rd - 26th May Gamex Los Angeles, CA
31st May - 1st June FoW Southern Nationals Pensacola, FL ​
xxx June WWIII Team Yankee Tournament San Antonio, TX
6th - 8th June Diecon Collinsville, IL
13th - 15th June Bayou Wars D'Iberville, MS
18th - 22nd June Origins Columbus, OH
11th - 12th July Napoleonic Miniatures Gaming Convention Perrysburg, OH
xxx July Consimworld Expo Tempe, AZ
11th - 13th July Twisted Lords Con Oklahoma City, OK
xxx July Naval Wars Woodstock, IL
16th - 20th July Historicon Lancaster, PA
xxx July Flames of War East Coast Nationals Lancaster, PA (At Historicon)
31st July - 3rd August Gencon Indianapolis, IN
xxx August HistoriKC Fest Overland Park, KS
14th - 17th August Nashcon Nashville, TN
xxx August Tacticon Aurora, CO
xxx August Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show Gettysburg, PA
xxx August Guns of August Newport News, VA
xxx August Reapercon Denton, TX
29th August - 1st September Gateway Los Angeles, CA
xxx August Pacificon Games Expo Santa Clara, CA
Competition events are in italics
xxx September Crucible Orlando, FL
xxx September Southern Front Morrisville, NC
25th - 28th September Hurricon Orlando, FL
28th September Chicagoland Toy Soldier Show Schaumburg, IL
xxx September Barrage Havre de Grace, MD
xxx September Team Yankee Southern Nationals Pensacola, FL
xxx October Autumn Wars Bannockburn, IL
xxx October Michigan Grand Tournament Lansing, MI
xxx October Southwest Con Tollison, AZ
xxx October Broadside Houston, TX
xxx October Border Wars Kansas City, MO
10th - 11th October Advance the Colours Springfield, OH
xxx October Conquest Avalon Sacramento, CA
xxx October Call to Arms Williamsburg, VA
xxx October Call to Arms Independence, MO
xxx October MiniWars Buena Park, CA
xxx October Canadian Flames of War Nationals Kingston, ON, Canada
xxx October MillenniumCon Temple, TX
24th - 26th October Carnage Killington, VT
xxx November Rock-Con Rockford, IL
7th - 8th November The World at War Perrysburg, OH
7th - 9th November Fall In Lancaster, PA
14th - 16th November U-Con Ypsilanti, MI
xxx November Wars in Woodstock Woodstock, IL